Friday, November 1, 2019

Occupational health and safety ergonomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Occupational health and safety ergonomics - Essay Example e practices later on, the history of safe working can be traced back to the ancient times when the need was felt for creating the tools in a manner that provided ease of use and comfort while operating them. In one of the ancient records, Bernardino Ramazinni, who was associated with the field of medicine, brought up working class and the problems faced by them in their surroundings (McCauley & Bush, 2011). At that time, however, the word â€Å"ergonomics† was not introduced. The official usage of this word can be stretched back to mid 19th century; it was a contribution by Wojciech Jastrzebowski and Frederick Taylor, who not only introduced it but also implemented its principles (Schlick, 2009). In modern times, the routes of ergonomics can be traced back to the mid 20th century when K.F Murrell introduced this word for the first time. Each of the two world wars the 20th century saw can be linked to the use of ergonomics in the field of machinery and war crafts. After the Second World War, the pace of improvement and nourishment in the incumbent field took pace, and new techniques were introduced for comforting the fields in any way possible. Since then, the discipline of ergonomics has never looked back; in modern times, all major organizations ensure that their employees work under the umbrella of ergonomics. The implementation of ergonomics has yielded many dividends. Its application is not limited to one particular field; rather, ergonomics is implemented in nearly every organization and every industry. It enables improving the working methods and further enables satisfaction of the employees, which is directly related to the customer response and company productivity. OSHA is an acronym for Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and it is a federal agency which is specialized in dealing with safe practices in regard to physical health and the dangers threatening it. It provides a set of guidelines, necessary dos and don’ts of practices in the

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